Author : Alice Wonder

Home » Articles posted by Alice Wonder

When logs (e.g. /var/log/maillog) are rotated (e.g. to /var/log/maillog-YYYYMDD) is there a way via systemd or whatever to assign read permission to a specific group?Right now, for example -ls -l maillog*-rw——- 1 root root 3105240 Mar 13 22:04 maillog-rw—-..

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Set up a CentOS 7.5 VM linode for git now that github has been bought.Im not anti-microsoft but Im worried they will make changes that I dont like (e.g. requiring ms account, changing billing, etc.) so I figured better take control now.Currently mov..

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list,Is there a command line tool I run on a ttf font and get a list of the Unicode Ranges for that that font that would be compatible with the unicode-range: parameter in a CSS @fontface declaration?Im guessing something in the python world proba..

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With the current Thunderbird I can not connect to one of my IMAP servers that uses a self-signed cert. Virtually identical IMAP servers that use CA signed certs workI was a bit out of date when I updated to 7.4 and was running Thunderbird 45.6.x ..

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