/bin/nmcli And Connection Names

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I haven’t been to find this (NetworkManager) change documented.


CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

$ /bin/nmcli con NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE
ens32 7629e52d-bd42-4cd5-a424-8c58e7e0bf37 802-3-ethernet ens32

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

$ /bin/nmcli con NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE
System ens32 0c299aec-b628-4168-b3c7-5b00951f5eb8 802-3-ethernet ens32

The string “System ” is part of the NAME.

What might be my options to understand upstream’s reasoning for this change and any possible workaround?

4 thoughts on - /bin/nmcli And Connection Names

  • I don’t see ‘System’ in any of the CentOS 7.2.1511 boxes or VMs that were recently upgraded:

    /bin/nmcli con NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE

    virbr0 ccd9a252-0765-4e88-bb5d-bfc34eb278e3 bridge virbr0

    enp5s0 ccbafeb6-ce6c-4713-b1ac-2cd0705bf16e 802-3-ethernet enp5s0

    docker0 a4d7d1e6-0eb2-47d7-8c7e-b63cdc9d8f8d bridge docker0
    virbr1-nic 9de87ba3-5c90-490a-b7f1-e273b0525fac generic virbr1-nic virbr1 0638f08b-b6c9-4e66-aee2-f64f2764ecf4 bridge virbr1

    virbr0-nic b4b74c7e-1571-4a58-a1b4-0a72894e667a generic virbr0-nic

    cat /etc/CentOS-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core).

  • ​Hi Earl,

    Have you tried a new install?​ I agree, upgraded installations do not seem to be affected.

  • Hi Eugene,

    I just did a clean install and I don’t see ‘System’ under the name:

    $ cat /etc/CentOS-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

    $ yum history list Loaded plugins: fastestmirror ID | Login user | Date and time | Action(s) |
    1 | System | 2015-12-20 15:17 | Install |

    $ nmcli con NAME UUID TYPE
    Team connection 1 c179d7da-8f12-4a80-8ce8-1621ba108d8b team team0
    team0 slave 2 449506ad-bdc5-49ec-8bb9-5f31a9dbe4e7 802-3-ethernet ens8
    team0 slave 1 25d843c0-8835-442e-a126-226dcfa89fe5 802-3-ethernet eth0
    eth0 73bda044-f940-40d0-a871-8cf388f65695 802-3-ethernet —

    Kind Regards Earl Ramirez

  • ​Hi Earl,

    But it does appear significantly different than the names you shared earlier, perhaps there are too many variables.

    In my case, using the same kickstart file and Vagrantfile I can reproduce the difference in my original message simply by varying whether I use a 7.1
    or 7.2​ ISO. I’m going to try and re-create this with an Upstream ISO and get someone in my org to open a bug report.

    ​Thanks, Eugene​