CAA Records Using PowerDNS From EPEL

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CentOS 2 Comments

PowerDNS supports CAA records beginning with version 4.0, but the pdns package in EPEL for most recent CentOS versions is stuck at around version 3.4 (3.4.11 is what I have).

Do I have no other choice but to manually compile and maintain my own pdns installation? I prefer to avoid this but I need up-to-date features.

Perhaps there is a PowerDNS specific work-around? Maybe the EPEL
maintainers backported CAA record support?

Thank you for any assistance.

2 thoughts on - CAA Records Using PowerDNS From EPEL

  • –Rawhide has version 4. With any luck you could just rebuild the SRPM with no issues. I’ve done that with packages where I need a bleeding edge feature on a CentOS system. Sometimes I have to tweak the spec file so that it will build with the older tools.

    The worse problem is when it depends on much newer other packages. Then one gets into dependency hell. In such a case, you might want to try using Fedora COPR to assemble a custom build system.