CentOS 6: Language Mess With Ssh

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CentOS 6 Comments

When I connect through SSH to my CentOS 6 box, language are mixed:
connection is in english but password change dialog is in french. Example:

$ SSH aa@quercy You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
Last login: Fri Oct 30 11:41:31 2015 from quercy WARNING: Your password has expired. You must change your password now and login again!
Changement de mot de passe pour l’utilisateur aa. Nouveau mot de passe :
Retapez le nouveau mot de passe :
(Current) Password:
passwd : mise à jour réussie de tous les jetons d’authentification. Connection to quercy closed.

I tried: “LANG=C SSH aa@quercy” and I get the same mess.

Is it possible to get password change dialog in english ?

AIME – Campus de l’INSA http://www.aime-toulouse.fr/
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6 thoughts on - CentOS 6: Language Mess With Ssh

  • Thank you for you help.

    I tried your tips but the problem remains. Example:

    $ echo “SendEnv LANG LC_ALL” > ~/.ssh/config
    $ LANG=C; export LANG; LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
    $ SSH aa@quercy You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
    Last login: Fri Oct 30 15:02:34 2015 from quercy WARNING: Your password has expired. You must change your password now and login again!
    Changement de mot de passe pour l’utilisateur aa. Nouveau mot de passe :

  • In article <56337B09.7080901@aime-toulouse.fr>, Philippe BOURDEU d’AGUERRE wrote:

    Maybe you also need to put “AcceptEnv LANG” in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote system, to tell it to honour the LANG being sent?

    Cheers Tony

  • If I put “export LANG=C” in /etc/sysconfig/sshd and restart sshd, all messages are in english. It seems that LANG is taken into account only when connection succeeds.

    Le 30/10/2015 15:13, Philippe BOURDEU d’AGUERRE a

  • Philippe BOURDEU d’AGUERRE wrote:

    Have you changed your password? If not, you’re not really logged in, and it’s not getting things like language settings from your home directory.
