CentOS-6.7 Passing Delayed Shutdown Via SSH Command Line Argument?

Home » CentOS » CentOS-6.7 Passing Delayed Shutdown Via SSH Command Line Argument?
CentOS 3 Comments

If I log into a host via SSH from my workstation then I can enter this:

shutdown -r +90&

and log out. The shutdown command will continue in effect and will activae 90 minutes later.

However, if I do this instead:

ssh -t host.domain.tld ‘shutdown -r +90&’

then the shutdown command does not remain in effect. Why is this so and is there some way to achieve this?

3 thoughts on - CentOS-6.7 Passing Delayed Shutdown Via SSH Command Line Argument?

  • In article , James B. Byrne wrote:

    I think shutdown receives a HUP signal when the connection is terminated, because it still has the SSH tty as its controlling terminal.

    I’ve just done some experimenting using sleep instead of shutdown, and found this:
    – you need to omit the -t
    – you need to redirect stdin/stdout/stderr

    So try:

    ssh host.domain.tld ‘shutdown -r +90 /dev/null 2>&1 &’

    Cheers Tony

  • Why is it that after beating my brains out and finally asking for help the answer appears? I have to close the stdxxx files before putting shutdown into the background.

    This seems to work:

    ssh host.domain.tld ‘shutdown -r +90 > /var/log/shutdown_$(date
    +%Y%m%dT%H%M).log 2>&1 <&- &'