CentOS 7 Boot Partition

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What size is recommended for the /boot partition? After doing a fresh install and lengthy backup restore I realized I only made it 200M. Is this going to be a problem?

5 thoughts on - CentOS 7 Boot Partition

  • Mine was about 500 MB and I removed some kernels because I got a warning the partition was getting full.

    With only two kernels installed, 182 MB are used. I would suggest 1 GB
    and I believe that is what CentOS 7.3 will do by default.

  • I really wouldn’t. You can scrape by with that if you also make sure you don’t have dracut-config-rescue installed, but you can find yourself struggling even with that, and so have to micromanage even further. Upgrade a kmod, watch /boot fill up, and find yourself in a bad place.

    If you only had it set to 200M, I’d reinstall now. If you had it set to 500M, you’d cope.


  • 500 MB should be fine for the /boot partition. I believe that is the default with minimal installations on both CentOS 6 and 7.

  • Matt wrote:

    Sorry, but I don’t advise that. A few years back we had a few machines running fedora, and at, was it 17? – they added preupgrade, they were building and stuffing a *lot* of stuff in /boot, and were recommending at least 500M. We just went to a 1G /boot by default.
