CentOS 7 With Postfixadmin, What Provides Php5-mysql

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I am building a CentOS7 mailserver to replace my CentOS6 server.

This means moving to Apache 2.4 and MariaDB, so I am finding a number of changes from my notes.

I now have MariaDB running with the databases created and Apache running. I try accessing postfixadmin and get:

MySQL 4.1 functions not available! (php5-mysqli installed?)
database_type = ‘mysqli’ in config.inc.php, are you using a different database?

Please check the documentation and website for more information.

mysqli is what the config.inc.php says to use for
// mysqli = MySQL 4.1+ or MariaDB

I installed httpd mod_ssl php mariadb-server

Thanks for any help on this.