EPEL Packages For CentOS 7 I686 AltArch Distro

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I have begun building the EPEL packages for the CentOS 7 i686 AltArch distribution.

You can watch the progress here:

Should have most of the packages built in the next couple days.

Thanks, Johnny Hughes


3 thoughts on - EPEL Packages For CentOS 7 I686 AltArch Distro

  • That’s great news! i686 has always lacked extra niceties (lately even in CentOS 6 in some cases), having EPEL will be a huge boon. Thanks for your efforts

  • Woo-hoo!

    (I must admit, I had pretty much given up on this ever happening.)

    Will these packages eventually show up on dl.fedoraproject.org?

  • –fovDLNookKGdVCgxvNTXrlxFmcoD3O2jH
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    Not the ones I am building. Hopefully EPEL will decide to build this as well .. once I get a full set (or at least as much as will build done)
    .. we will publish it somewhere.
