Firewalld Services

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I am familiar with using commands like:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=http

To enable firewalld services. I am also aware that this is through xml
‘scripts’ in:


But what I find interesting is what services are there and which are not. I went a’lookin with:

grep “port=” /usr/lib/firewalld/services/*|more

And found some like:

http, https, imaps, SMTP, and pop3s

What I do not find are others that I would think are ‘standard’ like:

pop3 (110) and imap (143)

I can understand 587 not being included, but imap?

I can always just add them with:

firewall-cmd –permanent –add-portX7/tcp

But I want to use the standard files. Perhaps because they are there.
Have I missed how some are handled?


One thought on - Firewalld Services

  • firewall-cmd –get-services

    Only the “most common” services, which will undoubtedly be up for interpretation and opinions will differ.

    James has some good information here regarding precedence of service vs port-based firewalld rules and creating your own custom service definitions.

    (Given your findings which I’ve not confirmed…)
    With the inclusion of pop3s, I’d expect imap, pop3, and imaps too.

    I noticed the same for SNMP. No pre-configured “service profile” so I had to use 161/udp … but it was a small thing. ;-)

    I don’t think you have. I was curious some weeks ago at the time, but had my solution with port-based and moved on to other tasks.