Getting Started With Mod_security

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CentOS 1 Comment


I’m currently fiddling with mod_security, and before going any further, I simply wanted to ask here for any recommended documentation/tutorials on the subject. There seems to be a lot of information about mod_security out there, and right now I have a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around it.

I’m grateful for any suggestions.


Niki Kovacs

Microlinux – Solutions informatiques durables
7, place de l’église – 30730 Montpezat Web : Mail : Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32

One thought on - Getting Started With Mod_security

  • mod_security 2.7.3 from CentOS is pretty old and pretty broken. The crs package is equally out of date.

    Recompiling mod_security from a more recent fedora SRPM and grabbing the OWASP core-rule-set from git will yield much better results, in my opinion.