Missing Java Packages For Java-1.6.0-openjdk Under CentOS 5

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CentOS 2 Comments

When I compile some Java code I am getting this sort of error:

“package org.apache.http.annotation does not exist”

I am presuming that I am missing a Jar file in

Most of the Jar files in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 come from one or another RPMs, most from the CentOS 5 distro RPMs. But I cannot figure out which RPM(s) I am missing. I tried doing a web search for org.apache.http.annotation with el5 and rpm, but got nothing useful. What am I missing?

2 thoughts on - Missing Java Packages For Java-1.6.0-openjdk Under CentOS 5

  • I suspect you need to get the jar file for org.apache.http and include it in your project.

  • The core JAR files are placed there. Third-party ones such as those from the Apache projects go in /usr/share/java.

    Which classes are you looking for? Some classes in the jakarta-commons-httpclient rpm package match the above Java package name, but they might not be what you want.