Mixed Bonding And Vlan On Plain Adapter Possible?

Home » CentOS » Mixed Bonding And Vlan On Plain Adapter Possible?
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Hello, I have a CentOS 7.3 + updates server where my configuration arises from the need to connect via iSCSI to a Dell PS Series storage array and Dell not supporting bonding. So that I need to use 2 nics on the same vlan to connect to iSCSI portal IP
and then use multipath. Also, the iSCSI lan is on a dedicated vlan I have only these 2 x 10Gbit adapters and I also need to put other vlans on them through bonding. I plan to use active-backup as bonding mode.

My first tests were only with iSCSI in place to verify connection is ok I followed these Dell guidelines, for both multipath and sysctl configs for network adapters:
iSCSI vlan is 100 so that the configured devices are p1p1.100 and p1p2.100
and my sysctl config is:


So far so good and my lun is viewed this way through multipath
[root@ov300 etc]# multipath -l
364817197b5dfd0e5538d959702249b1c dm-3 EQLOGIC ,100E-00
size=1.0T features=’0′ hwhandler=’0′ wp=rw
`-+- policy=’round-robin 0′ prio=0 status