Multipath Show Config Different In CentOS 7?

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Hello, suppose I want to use a special configuration for my IBM/1814 storage array luns, then I put something like this in multipath.conf

devices {
device {
vendor “IBM”
product “^1814”
product_blacklist “Universal Xport”
path_grouping_policy “group_by_prio”
path_checker “rdac”
features “0”
hardware_handler “1 rdac”
prio “rdac”
failback immediate
rr_weight “uniform”
no_path_retry “12”

In CentOS 6.x when you restart multipathd or restart server, using

multipathd -k multipathd> show config multipathd> exit

in output you see your particular configuration instead than the default one for this particular device. In CentOS 7.3 instead I see it two times, the first one with the default built-in values (eg “no_path_retry fail”) and at the end the customized one. So it is not clear what is the actual configuration that device mapper multipath is using… The last wins?
Is this expected behaviour? In that case what command can I use to crosscheck it (apart from real testing that is anyway necessary to verify too)?
Eg in CentOS 7.3 I’m using device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9-99.el7_3.1.x86_64
while on CentOS 6.8 I’m using device-mapper-multipath-0.4.9-93.el6.x86_64

Thanks in advance, Gianluca

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