Nfs V3 Issues On CentOS 7

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Hello list, So I’m having a strange issue with CentOS 7 mounting NFS V3.

It starts with autofs. For example, my auto.share file:
apps -nfsvers=3 some-server:/mnt/xfs1/&

This will mount, but the first mount takes ~30 sec. After this, eventually the mount becomes stale but it still shows as connected in ‘mount’.

At this point, I can no longer mount NFS shares. Manual mounting example shown below.

Any feedback would be appreciated – thank you!

CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

mount -t nfs -o vers=3 mdstor:/mnt/xfs1/apps tmpx -v mount.nfs: timeout set for Tue Feb 16 08:33:31 2016
mount.nfs: trying text-based options ‘vers=3,addr3.219.41.19’
mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 100005, trying vers=3, prot
mount.nfs: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot UDP port 892
mount.nfs: mount(2): Input/output error mount.nfs: mount system call failed

Thanks, William

2 thoughts on - Nfs V3 Issues On CentOS 7

  • Morning

    As a first step I would confirm a few things.

    1. Do you have any other systems using the NFS server successfully?
    2. Does a manual mount work ?
    3. If you increase the Logging level on your NFS server does this give you any useful information about the problem ?

    Good Luck :)

  • Thanks for the reply – was waiting for a reply so I could give an update.

    This seemed to be a bug with Autofs. I ran a yum update to autofs and the problem has been resolved.

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