Ntptrace ***Request Timed Out With Stock C6 Ntpd

Home » CentOS » Ntptrace ***Request Timed Out With Stock C6 Ntpd
CentOS 1 Comment

Following the recent ntp posts I decided to check my setup with ntptrace.

localhost: stratum 3, offset -0.000020, synch distance 0.016330 timed out, nothing received
***Request timed out

service ntpd status ntpd (pid 3018) is gestart…

grep server /etc/ntp.conf | grep -v “#”
server 0.CentOS.pool.ntp.org iburst server 1.CentOS.pool.ntp.org iburst server 2.CentOS.pool.ntp.org iburst server 3.CentOS.pool.ntp.org iburst

ntpq> peer
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
=============================================================================+ 2 u 135 1024 377 29.759 -0.218 48.373
* 2 u 328 1024 377 41.639 1.487 12.891
+ 2 u 958 1024 377 13.179 1.036 87.857
+ 2 u 343 1024 377 23.321 -1.759 24.933

I’ve tested on 3 C6 hosts and everyone gives a ***Request timed out. (everytime with an other host)

Is there something wrong with my setup or with my testing?

Thanks Patrick

One thought on - Ntptrace ***Request Timed Out With Stock C6 Ntpd

  • am guessing here, but from the man page:
    For ntptrace to work properly, each of these servers must implement the NTP Control and Monitoring Protocol specified in RFC 1305 and enable NTP
    Mode 6 packets.