Ovirt-engine Package For OVirt 4.1.x In CentOS Offical Mirrors Disappears?

Home » CentOS » Ovirt-engine Package For OVirt 4.1.x In CentOS Offical Mirrors Disappears?
CentOS 3 Comments

Hi all,

I am trying to install oVirt 4.1.x from CentOS repos but it seems ovirt-engine doesn’t exists. But instead, ovirt-hosted-engine-setup exists?

Is ovirt-engine package removed? In the official oVirt repos, exists.


3 thoughts on - Ovirt-engine Package For OVirt 4.1.x In CentOS Offical Mirrors Disappears?

  • oVirt engine components are not included in CentOS, only dependencies required to set up an oVirt node.

    Please use the oVirt repos to install oVirt.

  • You can and should use both. AFAIK the ovirt-release package that sets up the oVirt repos is shipped with CentOS from one of the extra repos.