Plain Requirement: Desktop Search

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CentOS 8 Comments

Just wondering, what exactly is supported/suggested:

I need a comprehensive desktop search functionality. Not only searching for file names but also for content and meta data. The environment is EL6.8 / Gnome2. I have noticed that “beagle” is not part of the distro anymore. Any suggestions for such requirement?


8 thoughts on - Plain Requirement: Desktop Search

  • If upgrading to EL7 is an option it has GNOME Tracker builtin. You get desktop search right after installation. It has a bug that files can be missing from search results sometimes (and can appear again in next search), but in general works well enough for me. Hope the upcoming EL7.3 can have fixes for that bug.

  • it finds files matching specific requirements, and can pipe them to grep to match contents of the file.

    john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

  • Le 10/12/2016 à 22:52, John R Pierce a écrit :

    find is a command-line utility to find $WHATEVER on your system. Recoll is a desktop search application that can be used by users like the staff in our local school, for example. They use it extensively indeed.

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  • Am 10.12.2016 um 18:26 schrieb Nicolas Kovacs :

    Great, sounds good and its in EPEL6, perfect. I will see if it satisfies the user :-)

    Thanks, LF