Suddenly OpenVPN Not Working – Backgrounds Prompt For Username / Password

Home » CentOS » Suddenly OpenVPN Not Working – Backgrounds Prompt For Username / Password
CentOS 3 Comments

Hi folks,

I’m on a fresh install of CentOS 7 and take my config that works on Ubuntu on the same box. Instead of getting a prompt for username and password for the VPN I get a backgrounded task that spits this out :

[amckay@CentOS-gig ~]$ sudo openvpn –config /home/amckay/data/vpn.ovpn –daemon

Broadcast message from root@CentOS-gig (Sat 2015-07-25 22:59:13 EDT):

Password entry required for ‘Enter Auth Username:’ (PID 23461). Please enter password with the systemd-tty-ask-password-agent tool!

[amckay@CentOS-gig ~]$

I actually started having the same problem at work when trying to connect to our management network. Different config file. CentOS 7
though. Same config file works great on Ubuntu.

Been googling it but not much luck.


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– Michael Pollan, author of “In Defense of Food”

3 thoughts on - Suddenly OpenVPN Not Working – Backgrounds Prompt For Username / Password

  • So it seems that now when I use –daemon it backgrounds BEFORE
    prompting for my password instead of after

    So I am good as long as I don’t do that.

    Why this all of a sudden?

  • So, run “systemd-tty-ask-password-agent”. You should be prompted for the password, there.

    OpenVPN in CentOS was built with –enable-systemd, which uses the agent so that connections can be started as a service and still use password authentication.