“UMask=0002” Ignored In Httpd Service File

Home » CentOS » “UMask=0002” Ignored In Httpd Service File
CentOS 1 Comment

Hi, I’m trying to get Apache httpd to create new files with the group writable bit set and thought adding the directive “UMask02” to the service section of the service file would be enough (after copying it to
/etc/systemd/system). But after a systemctl daemon-reload followed by a service restart files are still created as “-rw-r–r–” instead of the expected “-rw-rw-r–“. Does anyone have an idea what is missing here or how I can debug why the directive is apparently ignored?


One thought on - “UMask=0002” Ignored In Httpd Service File

  • Never mind I was just being dumb. The directive belonged in the php-fpm service file of course and not the httpd one. Sorry for the noise.
