LXC On CentOS 7 HowTo: PAM Configuration

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I am trying to implement something like an “LXC on CentOS 7 HowTo” for internal use. (Might as well get public afterwards.) I am following the HowTo for CentOS 6
(https://wiki.CentOS.org/HowTos/LXC-on-CentOS6). So, here’s what I did so far (Steps 1-6 can easily be omitted, but I am trying to be complete.)

1.) Disable delta RPM’s in /etc/yum.conf
2.) Remove LibreOffice

sudo yum remove “libreoffice*”

3.) System update

sudo yum -y update

4.) Install some niceties

sudo yum -y install emacs emacs-nox “@Development Tools” git subversion

5.) Reboot
6.) Install VirtualBox Guest Additions
7.) Install libvirt

sudo yum -y install libvirt libvirt-client libvirt-install

8.) Setting up root fs for a container:

sudo su –
mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/lxc/CentOS01/etc/yum.repos.d
cat cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo | sed s/’$releasever’/7/g
yum groupinstall core –installroot=/var/lib/libvirt/lxc/CentOS01
# The following command seems to be redundant, as both packages are already installed as part of the core group.
yum -y install plymouth libselinux-python

Now, according to the old howto, I am to configure PAM in the new root fs. Reading through that; I don’t really understand what I am to do. For example, I am to replace a line with “session required pam_selinux.so close”. However, the matching line is a comment line, which makes me unsure.

Are those PAM configurations still required? If so, could someone help me on what to do exactly?



2 thoughts on - LXC On CentOS 7 HowTo: PAM Configuration

  • _________^
    Well, that needs a explicite explanation on the WHY, IMHO not needed

    Well, that is personal taste, the existence of a installed LibreOffice should not influence LXC in any way.

    This should be first point. No one should start a installation of such a complex matter as Virtualisation on a outdated system. Best add comment about the use of “yum ps” or the real need of a reboot in case of glibc/udev/kernel updates before going further in installing.

    Again personal taste, for some is the installation of emacs a sacred act, for other pure blasphemy. say something about making sure the the favourite text-cli editor is installed is more helpful here. Remember the UNIX way: Less is more. Less software on the host(metal), means more uptime between unavoidable reboots, esp. for servers.

    Eh? You want to use LXC, not “VirtualBox”, what are the “Guest Additions”
    for? Explain, if really needed

    Give better title here, e.g. “Install packages for LXC: libvirt + co.”
    Ok, that can be done better, and easier to read and understand:
    cp -t /var/lib/libvirt/lxc/CentOS01/etc/yum.repos.d/ \
    sed –in-place ‘s/$releasever/7/g’ \
    If you really need the switched of “Delta RPM” stuff, here and now is the place.

    I have not needed any pam-monging so far, but … [shrugs].

    Please, some other (real-live) expert, go over the installation procedere, too, I’m no guru, nor a last instance.

    Lets give enough input to make this HowTo conform to best practises.

    – Yamaban.