Facebook CentOS Group Close To 15.000 Members!

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Hi everyone.

I have a pleasure to announce that official CentOS group on Facebook will reach 15.000 members in next 6-9 days, somewhere just before April
1st :)

Average rate of new members, mostly total newbies, is around 140-180
members per week.

Group’s link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/CentOSproject/

19 thoughts on - Facebook CentOS Group Close To 15.000 Members!

  • ” Facebook Login
    ” You must log in to continue. “

    Not open for public reading. Surely CentOS is an “open” and “available to all” philosophy ? CentOS can be down-loaded and installed without registering :-)

  • This references your everyday FaceBook login. If you don’t have one, or aren’t logged in, you’ll be asked for it. Nothing to do with the FB group.

  • I find it unsavoury. We are recommending that acknowledged newbies subscribe to a service known for repeatedly and persistently violating its members’ privacy?

  • How would you get the message to such people to inform them that alternatives exist? (this is rhetorical, so don’t answer). And this has nothing to do with CentOS. If there’s a platform that can be used to promote CentOS, then it should be used if there is a suitable audience there.

    ❧ Brian Mathis

  • James B. Byrne wrote:

    And as far as I’m concerned, the website software looks like it was written by liberal arts majors…. I mean, *I* can’t figure out how to navigate the site, and those annoying notifications – some of the time it mentions a link, but when I go to the site by clicking the link, it’s the top of someone’s page, and I can’t even find what the post the link was referring to….

    mark, very much missing the old days of usenet

  • There is a real simple answer to privacy on facebook. Just don’t post anything there that you would not want to be public. Just like this mail list.

  • For me the main problem is the fact it is not a public place which I should be able to read without a facebook login.

    What is this? State within a state, Internet within Internet?

    How bad would it be if the mailing lists of open source projects were not public? To what would the search engines point you when you were looking for a solution to a problem? How would you follow discussions and so on..

  • That’s ridiculous. People promote their businesses. Celebrities have their pages.

    (Sent from iPhone, so please accept my apologies in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors.)

  • You don’t have to post, fecebook also tracks what you read and uses that to build profiles of you which are sold to advertisers.

  • Les Mikesell wrote:
    I think my profile there – I had to sign up, a few years ago, because it was the only place I could buy someone’s membership for a con – says, “I
    hate facebook, if you want me, email me”.


  • Niki Kovacs wrote:

    Wait… isn’t ALL OF FACEBOOK self-promotion? Do they even let, I dunno, rappers and TV personalities and such *have* facebook accounts?


  • Too bad it’s not in English. It would be interesting to follow your posts as you discover CentOS more and more, given that I also used Slackware.