Tui Of CentOS 7 Kickstart

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there is a tui of CentOS 6 kickstart.

and now there is no such tui, only text line output.

is there an option to enable tui of CentOS 7 kickstart?

5 thoughts on - Tui Of CentOS 7 Kickstart

  • thanks for your kind help.

    i add inst.cmdline option as a boot option or “cmdline” option to my kickstart file, there still no TUI.

    ⁠15.1.2. Installation in Non-Interactive Line Mode

    If the inst.cmdline option was specified as a boot option in your parameter file (see Section 18.4, “Parameters for Kickstart Installations”) or the cmdline option was specified in your Kickstart file (see Chapter 23, Kickstart Installations), Anaconda starts with non-interactive text line mode. In this mode, all necessary information must be provided in the Kickstart file. The installation program will not allow user interaction and stops if there is unspecified installation information.

    Peng Yong

  • —– “彭勇” escreveu:

    Hi Peng,

    Try with the “text” option on the kickstart file, it works on C5 and C6.



    Antonio da Silva Martins Jr. Analista de Suporte NPD – Núcleo de Processamento de Dados UEM – Universidade Estadual de Maringá
    email: fone: +55 (44) 3011-4015 / 3011-4411
    inoc-dba: 263076*100

    “Real Programmers don’t need comments — the code is obvious.”

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  • i have “text” option in kickstart file which is upgrade from CentOS 6, here is snippet:

    #System language lang en_US.UTF-8

    #System keyboard keyboard us

    #Sytem timezone timezone –utc Asia/Shanghai

    rootpw changeme

    #Reboot after installation reboot

    # non-interactive text line mode cmdline

    #Use text mode install text

    #Install Red Hat Linux instead of upgrade install

    Peng Yong

  • —– “彭勇” escreveu:


    After trying a C7 install, with “text” we had about the same screens we had with “cmdline” on C6. The TUI, with “graphs” I can’t get.



    Antonio da Silva Martins Jr. Analista de Suporte NPD – Núcleo de Processamento de Dados UEM – Universidade Estadual de Maringá
    email: fone: +55 (44) 3011-4015 / 3011-4411
    inoc-dba: 263076*100

    “Real Programmers don’t need comments — the code is obvious.”

    Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivirus e acredita-se estar livre de perigo.