Mon Morn

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And, no mourn. Took three-quarters of an hour, which someone inconvenienced Beecher, but the server I came in so early to reboot did it’s thing (think DOS or Windows chkdisk, except with a *lot* more disk), and I got the memory that Dell shipped me last Thurs into the other server, and everything’s up swimmingly.

Oh, and I’d gotten a email the other day – for some reason, they thought the card I’d reserved the room at the con with expired before our stay, so I updated their info, and got a thanks from Rob, who I’ve been dealing with. I replied to that before we left this morning, and mentioned it had been a week, and we hadn’t heard anything about Bath, etc… and I got a nice email from him, saying he’d walk down the hall and prod them.

Now, let me reattach my IV of tea/caffeine….