Release For CentOS Linux 7 Rolling Media Feb 2015

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I am pleased to announce general availability of the Feb 2015 snapshot for CentOS Linux. Todays release includes CentOS Linux 7 iso based install media, Generic Cloud images, Atomic Host and Docker containers.

CentOS Linux rolling builds are point in time snapshot media rebuild from original release time, to include all updates pushed to’s repositories. This includes all security, bugfix, enhancement and general updates for CentOS Linux. Machines installed from this media will have all these updates pre-included and will look no different when compared with machines installed with older media that have been yum updated to the same point in time. All rpm/yum repos remain on with no changes in either layout or content.

Files marked as 20150228_01 indicate that it includes all content released to upto ( and including ) the 28th of Feb

Since there is a need to test these images, the release will always lag few days behind the datestamp ( and therefore content included )
in the release. My aim is to automate as much of this as possible going forward to reduce this time lag as much as possible, however we might not be able to remove the lag completely.

Other content formats like containers and vendor specific images will aim to start with the same cycle as the main CentOS Linux media, but might move to a more frequent build and release cycle if needed. Special Interest Groups (
wanting to do media and installer releases should also consider using the rolling timelines to sync with.

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3 thoughts on - Release For CentOS Linux 7 Rolling Media Feb 2015

  • Where might I find more information on how to relate this date-based snapshot to the recently announced upstream 7.1 release? Everything else being equal, are the errata that are rolled up in upstream 7.1 available in this particular date-based snpashot?

    Thanks kindly, Eugene​

  • This has nothing to do with the 7.1 release … it is just a rolling updates ISO up to and including updates released into the 7 stream through 2/28/2015.

    When we release our 7.1 tree, there will be ISOs in the tree.

    Future rolling builds will also the 7.1 items in them (as the March one will include items released from March 1st to the end of the month, and the upstream 7.1 release is in that time frame).

    Thanks, Johnny Hughes