C7 With Xen Support

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Hi all,

Anybody could me tell when CentoOS7 will have Xen support?

Thank a lot

5 thoughts on - C7 With Xen Support

  • Hi all,

    Anybody could me tell when CentoOS7 will have Xen support?

    Thank a lot

    Volnei, I don’t speak for the C7 project so this reply is unofficial. RH has disabled all dom0 kernel support found in mainline kernel. DomU support is mostly intact.

    I have a xen 4.4.0 dom0 on C7 since July 16, but using the kernel-ml (3.15) from elrepo.org

    Got my xen package set by rebuilding xen-4.4.0-8.fc22.src.rpm from here ftp://ftp.muug.mb.ca/mirror/fedora/linux/development/rawhide/source/SRPMS/x/

    The Fedora developers are adapting xen to systemd rapidly, so the above SRPM can change weekly.

    If you or anyone else wants more detail, find PryMar56 on #xen on freenode IRC.

    cheers, Mark

  • Thank you Mark.

    I use F20 with Xen dom0 with much success. I wanted to start using CentOS instead of Fedora but apparently will take a little longer. You can’t understand why RH does these things.

  • Back in RHEL 5, Xen was supported. It added a lot of work for Red Hat, maintaining all the kernel patches. This was true for a lot of other programs as well.

    So to reduce their work load, they thinned down a lot for RHEL 6. They dropped everything they thought was a duplication of another project or which required too much effort for too few users. With KVM, Xen was effectively a duplication of a much simpler to use hypervisor, so it was dropped.

    No great conspiracy here; Just normal business decisions.

  • We will, at some point, have a CentOS-7 Dom0 kernel and support as part of the Virtualization SIG.

    I am getting ready to build some testing 4.4.1-rc RPMs for CentOS-6 in the next few days. Once we stabilize those, building the same for CentOS-7 will be a next step.