Ansible Repository Shenanigans In EL7

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For those not aware ansible has been deprecated in RHEL7 from the extras repository.

In the RHEL specific world it’s now in an optional “product” (basically an optional subscription) that is part of any RHEL subscription, but it’s opt in.

As a result ansible is back in the EPEL7 repository for 2.5.0+ , having been removed for ansible 2.4.2 when it got introduced to the RHEL extras repo.

I have no idea what, if anything, the CentOS team will do with the ansible in the CentOS7 extras repository.

5 thoughts on - Ansible Repository Shenanigans In EL7

  • That’s a good question, as “orphaning” it would be an issue for all people now getting it directly from Extras, if they don’t have epel added (also “opt-in”)

    AFAICS, nothing is pushed to anymore for it :!ansible.git

    So I guess it would be a question for the CentOS-devel list :
    – either we orphan it (and the other pkgs required for it) from extras
    – or we try to build those and continue to provide ansible

  • Honestly I think that would get even more confusing at that point if CentOS Extras has it when RHEL Extras no longer will … and “RHEL
    Ansible Engine” exists as a product subscription for RHEL users … and upstream have their own repos … and over in Fedora-land we’re building it for EPEL again.

    If there really is a desire (understandable) to have a “CentOS
    Ansible” then I’d suggest CentOSplus as the appropriate repo for it out of the base possibilities.

  • Does it really matter which repo it comes from?

    I would expect the users of ansible to be smart enough to get it from epel or extras. As long as we know how to get it I do not see this as a big deal.

    It seems that since it is already being built for EPEL, that would be the path of least resistance for the CentOS devs.

    Just my $.02
