Bash Completion In C7

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Hello there,

while bash completion was working great to me in CentOS6, since I’m using C7 I spend my day stuck on completion not working the way it should.

The bad situations I’m facing are:
– it doesn’t expand *foo whereas there are *foo-named files in current dir, for instance:
# rm *foo
will show nothing whereas there’s a file barfoo in curdir.

– completion takes 10 sec to propose me something, I don’t have an
example right here but I’d prefer no completion instead of a
completion that hangs for more than 3 sec.

I don’t care much about command-specific completion (command –switches and so on), but it generally fails in listing files in curdir, that is a huge fail to me.

I have this installed:
bash-completion-2.1-6.el7.noarch bash-completion-extras-2.1-11.el7.noarch

Didn’t touch global or user prefs around bash completion if there are.

Am I missing something or is it just an itchy fail, real pain in the *ss?


8 thoughts on - Bash Completion In C7

  • Tab completion finishes a single word, given a string that appears at the beginning of a list of candidates.

    Wildcard expansion (Ctrl+x, e) will expand a word containing a wildcard to multiple words on the command line, usually so that you can remove some matches.

    Neither will do specifically what you’re trying to do, as far as I

  • Hello Gordon,

    Wrong, tab completion proposes the list of candidates if there are several, and it only finishes a single word automatically if there’s only one match for the pattern. At least I never experienced tab completion how you’re describing it.

    This works fine in CentOS 6, and anywhere with bash 2 and 3, I used such completion pattern (ls *foo) for years on various systems. I hardly see how this is ambiguous unless completion doesn’t prioritize *foo matching on files.

    Irrelevant example here, I’m not talking about remote shells. On a remote shell I would expect extra delays, anyway, but this is not what I’m dealing with here.

    I tried disabling programmable completion entirely (`complete -r`), since I don’t need it and find it unreliable and it now works as always for file matching patterns. That was a tip, thanks!


  • Since you don’t want what it provides you can either remove the bash-completions* packages or append “complete -r” to your ~/.bashrc which turns off all custom completions leaving just pathname completion
    — I also use “complete -o dirnames cd” so that the completions for the cd command are limited to directory names. The bash-completions project didn’t stand still nor did the tools it uses so you might consider submitting an upstream bug report.


  • Hello Mark,

    Yes probably. In fact, I think I got twisted by the name “bash completion”, I thought it was just what one can call tab-completion, that we had for years (and often use!). Obviously it’s another thing sitting on top of it, that I don’t need :-).


  • Hi Gordon,

    Hah. You may laugh, but talking about mis-communication, you’re definitely right. In my former saying “there are *foo-named files in current dir”, I
    didn’t mean that I had files like: but files named like *foo (IOW, maching the pattern *foo), id est:
    (my use of “-named” was confusing obviously)
    thus, from `ls *foo` I was expecting: I well know that to match “”, I should use `ls *foo*
    (trailing *) and I’m sure that you know that `ls *foo
    ` matches

    I think we did now understand each other? ;-) to me, the subject is over, I’ve did `complete -r` and voila.


  • Hello Gordon,

    I’m afraid I see the same behaviour since Bash 2.0 :-/.

    Must confess that I quite never use Alt+ and Ctrl+ key combinations, saving me from finger stretching.. I’m reading the man about all that now, instructive, thanks!
