Best Practices To Manager Multiples Sysadmins Working As Root With Multiple Servers?

Home » CentOS » Best Practices To Manager Multiples Sysadmins Working As Root With Multiple Servers?
CentOS 1 Comment


In my new company they have a lot of CentOS linux servers. I was wondering what is the best practice do manage access root to a multiples sysadmin in multiple servers.

Pupper? Ldap? Proxy Server with ssh?

Thanks for attention.

One thought on - Best Practices To Manager Multiples Sysadmins Working As Root With Multiple Servers?

  • My suggestion, if you have the freedom to design a solution from scratch, is to look at FreeIPA and sssd. With these tools you can easily centralise your access and sudo rules. You can use any configuration management tool to get things up and running (I like Puppet, but your mileage may vary).