CentOS 6 Mount Of Ntfs Formatted Usb Stick Fails

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most USB sticks are formatted FAT32

5 thoughts on - CentOS 6 Mount Of Ntfs Formatted Usb Stick Fails

  • Also keep in mind that the partition type is only a *hint*. It’s just a flag that’s set in the partition. What is actually in the partition does not need to match what is on the disk.

    Some utilities will use it for autodetection purposes, etc., and some will completely ignore it and blindly do whatever you ask.

    “file” is a good tool to find out what’s actually on the partition.


  • It appears that someone took an _image_ of a full 8GB partitioned device with a standard DOS MBR and stuffed that into _one_partition_ of this USB
    stick. You should be able to access it in Linux by running (as root):

    kpartx -a -v /dev/sdf1

    That should respond with “add map sdf1p1 …”, and you can then mount device /dev/mapper/sdf1p1.

    You should run “kpartx -d /dev/sdf1” to delete that mapping before removing the device.

    BTW, the “file” command will look inside block devices if you use the
    “-s” (–special-files) flag. It doesn’t do that by default because reading some types of special files can have unexpected effects. You can also use the “-k” (–keep-going) flag to get more information than the first match.

    file -s -k /dev/sdf1

  • OUCH!! Forget most of that. I misread your “dd” command as reading from
    /dev/sdf1 instead of /dev/sdf, since the former was what you had been asked to do. The comment about the “file” command still applies, though. What does the “file” command have to say about /dev/sdf1 (or a copy of the beginning sectors thereof)?

  • It’s lacking a lot of the parameters I wold expect to see there, e.g.:

    # file -s -k /dev/sda1
    /dev/sda1: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x52, OEM-ID “NTFS “, sectors/cluster 8, reserved sectors 0, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 255, hidden sectors 2048, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0x80) That is from Windows 7. Is the difference due to Windows 8? I don’t know