CentOS 7 Install On Dual SSD Disk Asus

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 Dear all,I installed CentOS 7 on the second disk of my Asus laptop. The laptop i have has two SSD disks 240 G and 480G consecutively   the fist  disk (240) has already windows 10 installed on , the second disk now has CentOS 7 installed on.while insalling CentOS 7 i let the bootloader part and because i can see only the CentOS disk not the windowsWhen i turn on my pc the windows part does not boot but the linux i boot on CentOS disk and it run as on normal.what would be the best way to add the windows disk so that i can boot it using the bootloader?Any help will be much  more appreciated Thanks muchRegards

2 thoughts on - CentOS 7 Install On Dual SSD Disk Asus

  • Install the ‘ntfs-3g’ package from EPEL and re-run grub2-mkconfig to generate the grub.cfg in the appropriate place (uefi or legacy boot).