Conversion From CentOS 5 To CentOS 7 & Mailx Changes

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CentOS 5 Comments


I have just upgraded a CentOS 5 server to a CentOS 7 server and am having difficulty with a change of behavior of mailx with the use of a command line of :

mail -s ‘This is the subject’ < text_file.txt On CentOS 5 when mailx was used by a program started by a cron job we were able to send a text file as an email message and the headers did not contain ‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64’ On CentOS 7 the headers contain ‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64’ and when the client gets the e-mail they are unable to open it up.

The interesting thing is that on CentOS 7 when the command line is used by typing the above command ‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit’ is placed in the header and the client can see the e-mail without a problem.

I have looked for a way to control the ‘Content-Transfer-Encoding:’
header to ‘7bit’ when we use a cron job, but I have not been able to figure out how.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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