CPU Limit In CentOS

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CentOS 5 Comments

A few years ago, I vaguely recall some issue with RHEL needing a special license or something like that, if you had more than a certain amount of CPU’s or a certain amount of RAM.

Does CentOS work fine for 2 CPU’s, 16 cores, 32 threads, and 256 G of ram?

CentOS6 specifically.

5 thoughts on - CPU Limit In CentOS

  • Gaah! Sorry. I looked at x86 and not x86_64. So that answers that.

    But the question still stands – In the past, I think there was a limitation of RHEL ES, and if you went over that, you needed RHEL AS.

    As far as I can tell, there is no such distinction (and never has been) in CentOS. For that matter, as I browse redhat.com right now, it’s not clear that they have any such distinction anymore either.

  • I have CentOS 6 box with 4 CPUs, 64 CPU cores and 512 GB of RAM… for about two years. Runs great.


    Valeri Galtsev Sr System Administrator Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago Phone: 773-702-4247

  • BUT on C6 for an AMD processor (x86_64) = 3TB/64TB RAM, so I am not complaining even though I can not afford to buy 3 TB of RAM and a suitable motherboard :-)