Mariadb Fails To Start Under C7

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Hey all,

I just unstalled MariaDB version 10 from the mariadb repositories under a CentOS 7 host.

The install went fine!

[root@nfsdb1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb MariaDB-common-10.0.19-1.el7.CentOS.x86_64

However, when I go to start up the service, I’m getting this error:

[root@nfsdb1 ~]# systemctl start mariadb.service Failed to issue method call: Unit mariadb.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

Can someone please let me know how to start this up?

Thanks, Tim

13 thoughts on - Mariadb Fails To Start Under C7

  • Hello Tim,

    I think I found your problem, you do not have the correct package installed

    [root@c7-db1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep maria mariadb-libs-5.5.41-2.el7_0.x86_64
    [root@c7-db1 ~]#

    Install the mariadb-x package and you should be able to start the service

  • Hi Earl,

    Thanks. While I could go with mariadb 5, the goal I had in mind was mariadb
    10. They’re pretty different and 10 is more advanced. Push comes to shove, however I could go with 5.

    And to Hal.. yeah you can use service mariadb start (assuming everything you need is there). But systemctl is the preferred method under CentOS 7.

    [root@nfsdb1 ~]# service mariadb start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start mariadb.service Failed to issue method call: Unit mariadb.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

    I guess I’ll wait to see if anyone has any ideas on getting MariaDB 10
    working. I’ve already googled this to no avail. If nothing turns up on the list or if I can’t find anything, I’ll just go with MariaDB 5.

    Thanks, Tim

  • Actually, the systemctl command is:

    systemctl start mysql.service

    from the “systemctl show” output it looks like this actually calls the /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql file for start/stop/reload, which seems backwards.

    It appears that mariadb is trying to be a total drop-in replacement to mysql, so all the paths/files, etc., e.g., in the ps output, are
    “mysql” not “mariadb” — so it’s tricky to have them both installed.

    By the way, you can use things like:

    systemctl list-units

    (and likely more efficient approaches) to find the systemctl command

    By gum! That seems to have done it!! Thank you very much for those tips!

    [root@nfsdb1 ~]# systemctl list-units | grep -i mysql mysql.service loaded active running LSB: start and stop MySQL

    [root@nfsdb1 ~]# systemctl start mysql.service

    [root@nfsdb1 ~]# lsof -i :3306
    mysqld 839 mysql 16u IPv6 15270 0t0 TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)

    And then I just ran mysql_secure_install and now I can log into the DB!

    Thanks so much for the help! The CentOS list rocks!!


    On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Richard

  • ….. don’t ******* change it ?

    C7 appears to be a nightmare. So many problems. I do not remember as many problems with the introduction of C6.

    I like lasting stability. Same commands. Same reliability. No need to waste time learning new tricks when many of the existing old tricks remain undiscovered. Anyone might think RH is attempting to emulate Windoze.

  • so far, other than having to learn a couple new commands, C7 really hasn’t been a problem for us, everything we need to run works just fine.

  • Once I decided to stop complaining about C7, it wasn’t bad to learn about the different stuff. Complaining about it is mostly a waste of time.

    — g