Password Algorithm With Authconfig Vs Authselect

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In the old days I could do

# authconfig –passalgo=sha256 –update

With EL8 comes authselect now (replacement of authconfig).

authselect –passalgo=sha512 –update does not work and seems to be unsupported.

# grep -R passalgo /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/authselect/
Option.UnsupportedValued (“passalgo”,

How does the new “way” looks like (>=EL8), to switch the password algorithm?

Any hints would be great …

2 thoughts on - Password Algorithm With Authconfig Vs Authselect

  • Once upon a time, Leon Fauster said:

    It looks like authselect doesn’t support that.

    While authconfig tried to be a super-multi-tool that knew how to configure all the things, I think it got to a point where it was too difficult to maintain (keeping track of which options were required, conflicted with each other, etc.). So authselect instead ships a pre-set group of config files that have been tested, with some options in them.

    Right now, the password algorithm is always sha512. I think that could be turned into what authselect calls a “feature”, but I’m not sure
    (that’d be a good request for the project, using their project page at It looks like features might support only enable/disable, not custom string values.

    The “officially correct” way to do that today seems to be to create a custom profile (which can be based on an existing profile), change the values, then apply the custom profile. This seems like a lot to just set the algorithm, but I’m guessing that at this point, there aren’t many requests to do that (so it isn’t a well-supported thing to change).

    It looks like something like this might do it:

    authselect create-profile sha256 –base-on=sssd
    sed -i ‘s/sha512/sha256/g’ /etc/authselect/custom/sha256/*
    authselect select custom/sha256

  • Chris, this seems to be a very reasonable approach! Nevertheless I
    noticed while testing that these config files also need to be managed

    # grep 512 /etc/libuser.conf /etc/login.defs
    /etc/libuser.conf:crypt_style = sha512
    /etc/login.defs:ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512

    At least authselect’s profile mechanism is a good starting point to adapt my workflow.
