RHEL 8 Released

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This morning Red Hat announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

More details at https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/red-hat-enterprise-linux-8-every-enterprise-every-cloud-every-workload?sc_cidp1f2000001OIIOAA4

19 thoughts on - RHEL 8 Released

  • Il 07/05/19 16:07, Rich Bowen ha scritto:

    Hi Rich, thank you for the great news.

    When c8 will be released?
    When epel repository will be usable with C8?

    Thanks in advance

  • … And so it begins.

    If past releases are anything to go by, I would expect it will take a few months. Figuring out how to rebuild all the RPMs to get binary compatibility is a slow process. Be patient with the CentOS devs, please. :)

    Digimer Papers and Projects: https://alteeve.com/w/
    “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” – Stephen Jay Gould

  • Once upon a time, Digimer said:

    To add to that – the whole switch to modularity with RHEL 8 adds complications to the build system that have to be figured out. I
    believe for example that EPEL can’t use modules yet (the details on that are still being worked out).

  • Please let’s stop trolling this channel already .. we’re busy on it, so no need to ask in loop …

    Thanks !

  • Am 2019-05-07 17:51, schrieb Fabian Arrotin:

    You forgot to preempt the “But why didn’t you start with the betas?”-question.

    RHEL8 is available, for sale, right now.

    I’m sure that if a business case can be made, RHEL8 is worth it.

  • I am mot in the CentOS team, and I am not going to bug them about new release. I know they are busy on that task as they always have been.

    I decided to just express my gratitude to CentOS team for the great thing we all enjoy using!


  • Valeri Galtsev wrote:
    What Valeri said. I’m sort of looking forward to it, because my new lady wants me to redo her laptop with Linux, being unutterably fed up with Lose10 (as friends said 20+ years ago, you never win with Windows, you only lose….), and I didn’t think C6, what I have on my workstation at home, was the right way to go.

    However… I’d rather y’all didn’t release it before its time.


  • Like a Gallo wine, it will be released when it is ready. There’s a huge amount of work to get it ready, so lets all refrain from bugging the developers, please?

    Whenever it’s ready…

  • Which Fedora release was used as a base(*) for RHEL 8?

    (*) As far as I am aware, RH constructs each release by taking a snapshot of a current Fedora, and then tweaking it into a latest RHEL
    version, roughly speaking…


  • Oh, RHEL 8 has just been released, and there is already a wikipedia article about it, I’m impressed! ;-)

    So, it’s based on F28, thanks for the info!


  • Le 07/05/2019 à 16:23, Alessandro Baggi a écrit :

    I must be a true CentOS user at heart. Because my first thought was something more in the line of: “Why the rush? CentOS 7.6 has just been released. We’re good here.”


    Microlinux – Solutions informatiques durables
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  • You can experience RHEL8 via the developer version allowing you to work out how your configurations and management will have to change, which may coincide with CentOS arriving by the time you finish.


  • A summary about this process will be maintained here:


    We were working with the beta packages (and fedora as necessary) to create the Loop O packages for x86_64, i686, ppc64le, aarch64 arches .. to be used to create our initial set of test packages from the source code released to git.CentOS.org.

    We will also have an armhfp arch .. but there is no RHEL 8 Beta for that arch and that initial bootstrap process will be much different than the other RHEL supported arches. As such, it will be done completely differently on a separate build system. And that process will likely include a couple more of the iteration loops and have more bootstrap processes, etc.

    We obviously can not yet make an educated guess on WHEN this process might or might not be completed .. or WHEN the new version will be available. We are shifting to a new koji build setup for the CentOS
    Linux 8 process. We are also shifting to a new pungi process for creating images, install media, etc. All of this is new to the project for building distros and it is a learning process for us as well.

    As an initial goal, we would love to have a release in a month .. but of course, we really do not have ample information at this time to make a real estimate of time required or obstacles we may encounter .. This is very much an iterative process with each step depending on the step before .. and each step may need to be repeated several time before we can move on. As we continue on with the process, we will update the above link, and as we get closer we will provide a better estimate.

    Rest assured that we are working on this and other than security updates for CentOS Linux 6 and 7 (which will take priority when they happen) .. this is our top priority. And as usual, our volunteer QA team will be helping us tremendously in completing this process.

    Thanks, Johnny Hughes

  • Once upon a time, Johnny Hughes said:

    So, next Tuesday then? :)

    Thanks for the update, and all the hard work!

  • That’s about the average time for 7.x releases, which I assume are far less work to get out than a point-zero.

    Is this goal realistic?

    I’d consider any ship date before about September to be “success.”

  • It is a soft goal. If everything works out, this would be the earliest it could happen. This is meant for the people wondering why on May 12th it isn’t there or May 20th or June 1st. As various parts of reality come up the dates will be updated in the schedule.

    Stephen J Smoogen.

  • I would like to take this opportunity send profuse thanks to the CentOS
    build team for all the awesome work that they do. Don’t ever think that your hard work is not appreciated.

    ^ ^ Mark LaPierre Registered Linux user No #267004