RHEL/CentOS 8 Power Off Issue

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I have a laptop, in a docking station. When running RHEL/CentOS 7 I
could shut it down and power it off by using ‘shutdown -h now’ In did a new install of CentOS 8 (and also RHEL 8) and when I do a “shutdown -h now” it just reboots (behaves the same as if I’d do a reboot).

Is that a known issue?



5 thoughts on - RHEL/CentOS 8 Power Off Issue

  • You can check ‘last -x’ do ensure that You really send a shutdown signal. Is it dell docking station, tha new one with usb-c? It always powers on the laptop as soon I switch the power cord and sometime reboots a laptop insted of shutting it down. It is my work pc and I’m not allowed to boot Linux in any way, so I’m not sure if it’s a Windows thing, or the station itself is malfunctioning.

    Łukasz Posadowski

  • I’ll check that

    It is a Dell, but an older one. But it seems like the same issue. When not in the docking station, it behaves like it is supposed to. I did check the bios for  “power up on AC/usb/etc” except for WOL that’s all set right.

    It only behaves like this when in the docking station.”

    before, I installed/booted all kinds of Linux distros on it, never was an issue until RHEL/CentOS 8


  • So I tried a few things, I have a few docking stations, and they all seem to show that problem.

    Can’t shut it down, remotely, while in a docking station. Also,  when in a docking station and using  the laptops  keyboard and LCD screen,  and 
    power down the laptop in RHEL/CentOS, just results into a reboot.  It does that  with RHEL/CentOS 7 and 8.

    When I  boot it with CentOS 6,  the behaviour is as expected,  it just shuts down. So I guess this issue  was “introduced” after CentOS 6



    CentOS mailing list CentOS@CentOS.org https://lists.CentOS.org/mailman/listinfo/CentOS

  • We faced the same problem on one machine. We had to disable wake up on lan in bios settings. After that, the machine stayed shut down with the “poweroff” command.

  • Hmm…

    I have to try that ..   and see what happens.  It would be annoying though.

    Half the time I use that laptop as a “head-less” machine,  do a WOL, run things with redirected X11..  and when done, shut it down.

    So it sounds like a combination of  a linux issue, combined with a BIOS
    issue?  The thing is, I tried that yesterday, I installed CentOS 6, and it doesn’t show that issue.

