Samba 4.1.6

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I just installed a CentOS 7 server and ran into a problem with Samba and the “force user” option. Apparently, there was a fix for some “force user” issues in the 4.1.6 release.

Is there any likelihood of an update from upstream? If not, is there another repo that provides a more up-to-date version of Samba?

11 thoughts on - Samba 4.1.6

  • That looked great until I got signed in and realized that they do not yet have CentOS 7 packages…

  • I don’t need this so I didn’t register and so on, but I’m wondering if they offer a source rpm package on that site that you might be able to compile yourself?

  • They do.

    (Link of course requires a vaild account).

    I will note that the Sernet folks have indicated they plan to release EL7 packages, but that was several months back and nothing is available yet.

    In a pinch, you can often recompile packages from newer versions of Fedora and in some cases they’ll even “just work” without recompile
    (I’ve installed the stock Samba RPM’s from Fedora 20 into RHEL7 with zero issues).


  • I’ll give the source rpm a try and see what happens.

    Can this package coesist with the current Samba package, or do I need to remove the CentOS Samba package first?

  • I’m not 100% certain, but would suggest you remove (and maybe exclude)
    the official RPM’s from your system.


  • You can use yum-priorities…

    And after starting doing that you should realize: there goes your
    “Enterprise” system. You are more or less on “bleeding edge” now. So be prepared for some bleeding…


    Valeri Galtsev Sr System Administrator Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago Phone: 773-702-4247

  • Actually, I think I just found a solution to the problem, so I may not need to worry about it. For some reason, the user I’m trying to force with the “force user” command needs to be in the samba password database in order for it to work even though I’m using domain authentication otherwise.

    Thanks for the help!

  • I understand that. But if they install into different locations, I
    should theoretically be able to have them both installed as long as I
    don’t try to have both of them active at the same time. That’s really what I was asking — Does the Sernet package install into the same location as the base Samba package or are there package dependencies that would prevent it from being installed alongside the base package?

    But it’s a moot point for me now since I’ve found a way around the problem I was hoping to solve by switching to 4.1.6.