Strange Apache Problem

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Hello list.

I have an local webserver running latest CentOS 7 release. The website is connected to mssql database on other windows server and worked fine since months until today.

After update last CentOS packages, greek characters from sql request look like question marks ?????

The config files are the same and the connection use utf8 set.

Any ideas?

Thank you for advance, Nikos.

2 thoughts on - Strange Apache Problem

  • I’m not familiar with freetds specifically, but the solution you describe suggests that while your pages are encoded in UTF-8, data from the SQL server was using a different encoding, and the server was mixing data in the two encodings into a single response to the client
    (browser).  Indicating the SQL server encoding in freetds.conf might have given httpd the information it needed to convert the SQL data into UTF-8, creating a coherent response to the client.

    If you have time to investigate further, I’d suggest looking for a way to request UTF-8 from the SQL server (which might mean changing the setting in freetds.conf, or removing it and requesting UTF-8
    elsewhere).  Your current situation will work for Greek characters, but you’ll be unable to save or view characters from other languages.