Systemd And ‘Stale File Handle’ Errors?

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I have a CentOS 7 system where I needed to restart chronyd – but the systemctl restart failed with the error:

systemd[1]: Starting NTP client/server… systemd[43578]: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning /usr/sbin/chronyd: Stale file handle systemd[1]: chronyd.service: control process exited, code=exited status”6

Turns out there are a couple of Stale NFS file handles from fuse mounts (related to gvfsd) of sub directories under an NFS mounted home directory server – but the home directory for the user in this case, no longer exist (user has left)

However, I have no idea why these ‘Stale file handles’ prevent a service being started by systemd ?

In this case, chronyd has nothing to do with NFS mounted user home directories – so shouldn’t really care ?

I have tried everything I can think of to clear these stale mounts, but with no luck

Does anyone know why systemd complains about unconnected ‘Stale file handles’ – and is there any way I can tell systemctl to start a service regardless of these ‘errors’ ?

Rebooting the host will be a last resort (the system is used by many users) – but in the meantime, I’ve manually started the /usr/sbin/chronyd binary directly, which runs fine


James Pearson

3 thoughts on - Systemd And ‘Stale File Handle’ Errors?

  • We’re running large multi user systems with desktop sessions on Red Hat based systems for decades but it became increasingly painful after EL6
    with the introduction of systemd in EL7. It may have improved the user experience on developers laptops but for our use case things are worse today…

    Regards, Simon

  • So, the chronyd systemd unit looks like this:

    # /usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service
    Description=NTP client/server
    Documentation=man:chronyd(8) man:chrony.conf(5)
    After=ntpdate.service sntp.service ntpd.service
    Conflicts=ntpd.service systemd-timesyncd.service

  • Jonathan Billings wrote:

    Thanks – that all makes sense – unfortunately ‘umount -l’ didn’t work :-(

    I’ve actually now rebooted the box – but if something like this happens again, maybe I could use a drop-in snippet in /run/systemd/system/ to turn the options off – which would then only last until the next reboot ?


    James Pearson