Tomcat Or What On CentOS 8?

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We’re running some web apps on CentOS 6 on Tomcat 6 shipped by the distribution.

As time goes by we’d like to move on to CentOS 8 and Tomcat 9 or whatever is appropriate.

My question is, what do others use now that Tomcat is not shipped anymore with CentOS?

Do you run some JBoss/WildFly instead or still running Tomcat?

And, how do you install/manage those installations. Do you have RPM
packaged versions or fiddle with tarballs?

Since this is a quite standard setup for web apps I’m really wondering how everybody is doing it these days?

Thanks, Simon

7 thoughts on - Tomcat Or What On CentOS 8?

  • Anybody care to comment? I can’t believe nobody’s running Java servlet containers on CentOS since it’s a very common way to provide webservices.

    I’ve just checked our FreeBSD box and it provides:

    root@freebsd:~ # pkg search tomcat tomcat-native-1.2.23 Tomcat native library tomcat7-7.0.92 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 7.x branch tomcat85-8.5.54 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 8.5.x branch tomcat9-9.0.34 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 9.0.x branch tomcat-devel-10.0.0.M4 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 10.0.x branch

    root@freebsd:~ # pkg search wildfly wildfly90-9.0.2_2 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly10-10.1.0_2 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly11-11.0.0_1 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly12-12.0.0_1 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly13-13.0.0_1 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly14-14.0.1 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly15-15.0.1 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly16-16.0.0 Replacement for JBoss Application Server wildfly17-17.0.1 WildFly is a Java Jakarta EE8 application server developed by Red Hat wildfly18-18.0.1 WildFly is a Java Jakarta EE8 application server developed by Red Hat

    Additionally there are also packages of Geronimo and Glassfish as alternatives.

    If I don’t find usable RPMs for CentOS 8 I’m going to build our own as I
    do for other things as well. But I just can’t believe they don’t already exist.

    Regards, Simon

  • –Some upstream providers have taken to providing their own repositories. I’m now getting Nginx, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL from the source that way. Perhaps Tomcat has its own upstream repo.

  • I use the tarball provided by upstream on CentOS 7, since the distro-provided version is quite old. I created a ‘tomcat’ system user and gave it ownership of the extracted files under /opt. I also wrote a simple systemd unit file to manage the service in the usual way.

    If you take that approach be sure to subscribe to the tomcat-announce list in order to receive update announcements.

  • But then why would you want to use CentOS for it or even pay for RHEL if you can have all this packaged nicely in FreeBSD? Plus, as a long term Unix and Linux user I feel much more at home on FreeBSD these days than I
    feel on CentOS 7 or 8. Even Fedora provides Tomcat 9 which I’m calling an enterprise feature. How can an enterprise distribution lack such an important and widely used feature?

    Regards, Simon

  • Upstream (RHEL) supports JBoss (aka WildFly) which is probably why it’s not packaging Tomcat anymore.