Tracking Or Checking Backported Kernel Patches From Upstream

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CentOS 3 Comments


I’m interested in finding out if a couple of upstream kernel patches were backported into CentOS (RHEL), in particular this one

and this one


What’s the procedure? After reading an article
, I went into Red Hat’s bugzilla, and tried several search terms (including the kernel’s commit ID) but found nothing.


3 thoughts on - Tracking Or Checking Backported Kernel Patches From Upstream

  • There is not really a ‘procedure’ to do that . certianly not in CentOS.

    The RHEL team currently only publishes the linux-*.tar.gz file in the SOURCES .. they do not publish individual patches, just the tarball with the patches already applied.

    I see no public way .. other than the changelog of the SRPM, to figure out what is different.

    There may be a way for RHEL customers to see individual patches at .. but that is not really a CentOS question.

    You CAN do a diff on the exploded tarball from the SRPM and either the last kernel released (to see what is in this update) .. or the reference kernel .. to see what is different from the release.

    If there is a public way to actually see the RHEL patches, I’m sure someone will post it.

  • El mié., 2 de sep. de 2020 a la(s) 11:17, Johnny Hughes (

    Eh… poor wording from my part. I meant procedure *for me* to check.

    You CAN do a diff on the exploded tarball from the SRPM and either the Yes, that’s actually easy in this case.

    Thanks a lot!

  • You can, but expanding two kernels and diffing them consumes a lot of disk space and time.

    To determine if a specific patch is present, it’s a little more efficient to use only the CentOS kernel source
    (, and then attempt to apply the patch in question (patch -p1 < git-patchfile).  The "patch" application will tell you if it is already applied and ask if you want to reverse it, if the patch is already present.  If it applies the patch, then it wasn't there already.