Fail To Load Kernel Module Ipmi_si On CentOS-6

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Hi all,

I am trying to load kernel module ipmi_si, while failed with error “No such device”, truth is I can find file in
../kernel/drivers/char/ipmi/ipmi_si.ko. So why I can’t load it?


# ls -l
-rwxr–r–. 1 root root 93080 Jul 23 2015

# modprobe ipmi_si FATAL: Error inserting ipmi_si
No such device

# lsmod |grep ipmi ipmi_devintf 7729 0
ipmi_poweroff 8532 0
ipmi_watchdog 17874 0
ipmi_msghandler 38701 3 ipmi_devintf,ipmi_poweroff,ipmi_watchdog

# ipmitool Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory

​What should I do if I want to setup IPMI on my CentOS host?

Regards Frank Yu

2 thoughts on - Fail To Load Kernel Module Ipmi_si On CentOS-6

  • The ‘No such device’ error is occurring because you are trying to load the module, and ‘modprobe’ is finding the kernel module, but when it loads, the kernel module is unable to discover the hardware, so it fails. Look at the output of ‘dmesg’ to see if there’s any output related to loading the module. ipmi_si has several parameters you can specify which can increase debugging.

    It looks to me like your hardware doesn’t have a BMC that supports IPMI. Have you verified that the hardware you bought has one? Can you get into the BIOS and set it up that way?

    Jonathan Billings

  • Hi Jonathan

    Thanks for your help. Finally I enter into the machine lab and find the there is no IPMI supported on my host, and it support DCMI. I install DCMI module and solve the problem Thanks