CentOS 7 And RAM

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What would the recommended minimum amount of RAM be, to run CentOS 7. 16GB???



9 thoughts on - CentOS 7 And RAM

  • Jay, it helps us help you when you give more information.

    I have CentOS 7 running happily on 4GB. My presumption – based on experience, extrapolation, and google – is that it will also run with 64TB.

    Anything between those numbers should be good.

    Cheers L.

    “The antidote to apocalypticism is *apocalyptic civics*. Apocalyptic civics is the insistence that we cannot ignore the truth, nor should we panic about it. It is a shared consciousness that our institutions have failed and our ecosystem is collapsing, yet we are still here — and we are creative agents who can shape our destinies. Apocalyptic civics is the conviction that the only way out is through, and the only way through is together. ”

    *Greg Bloom* @greggish https://twitter.com/greggish/status/873177525903609857

  • L, The use of this machine would be as a home server running as a web and email server, two users, light use. My current server has 4GB, but I’m thinking of getting a new box and if I can afford it, figured I’d get 16GB vice 8.


  • I run it on an Lenovo Thinkpad T410 with 4 GB of RAM using the MATE desktop.

    Not a speed demon, but it works well enough.

  • I also run it on a quadcore XEON with 16GB as a general dev machine including LAMP stack and it is very fast on that setup.

    Most of the time, only a few of the cores are used and when I have looked at memory usage it is never anywhere nearing using up the 16GB.

    For a new box I would recommend 16GB though just because the cost difference between 8 GB and 16 GB isn’t that great unless you are on a really tight budget (as I usually am) and even then, if you can find a way to go 16 GB do it, because it helps future-proof the box so it is usable for many years into the future.

  • –Email per se doesn’t use much in the way of resources. But my server is running MIMEDefang (a Perl-based mail filter), SpamAssasin, and ClamAV. Those can chew up memory to do their analysis. You’ll probably run a local DNS server for those scanners and that will start to use memory.

    If you’re an email packrat like me, big email folders can chew up resources when Dovecot (the IMAP server) serves them.

    I’m also running MariaDB, Apache, and node.JS for various projects and those eat memory.

    Perhaps my biggest sink is BackupPC to back up my household workstations using rsync child processes. rsync is notorious for eating tons of memory to hold a copy of your directory metadata for difference analysis (to generate incrmental backups).

  • We have HTTP load balancers happily running on about 400MB of RAM. VMware recommends 512MB though. For a home server I’d go with the 16GB if you can afford it. Or you go with 8 and upgrade later, if you have 2 DIMM slots.

    Best regards Mario

    Am 17.07.2018 um 01:24 schrieb Jay Hart:

    Mario Münsterberg Administrator

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  • Im running CentOS 7 on my Laptop with 8Gb ram as my daily driver.

    Firefox (multiple browsers open with multiple tabs) ,Evolution and thunderbird  for my mail, Pycharm for running my code, Libreoffice for my docs ( 10 Docs open at 1 time), here and there i run Vmware workstation for Labs on other Linux distros.

    All this Happening my RAM has never reached full capacity and ive never seen my system using SWAP in “System Monitor. So if you have 4GB or 8GB
    fire it up and monitor , you might not even need 16GB ram.